Thursday, December 2, 2010

Another adventure tour with our guide

I Should start the blog with last night at the grocery store. Prior to going there Tatiana reminded me to tip the person thats bags the grocerys because they don't make any money just tips. Feeling bad about my previous not tipping I gave the girl that bagged the grocery's a nice tip, I wondered why she shrugged her shoulders and then giggled as she put the money in her pocket. Then Tatiana sprung the news on me that I tipped the wrong person, I was suppose to tip the person that brings the cart to your car(same as in America) Another tip later and I now have the system figured out no thanks to Tatiana. I am not sure if I can talk about todays car ride with our guide without throwing up and going into convulsions. So I will just say we eventually took a metro train to the north part of medellin and got onto the metro cable which is the same as the cable cars at the state fair only larger. From above the city where Maria was born and raised untill 11 months you could see everything clearly the people in the mountains are very poor and even on the banks of the river you see make shift homes.  The area does not appear scary to me at all. They have a huge library up there that had been donated by Spain it's perched high atop the mountain with a foot bridge going to it. after that we went to a mall and then out to eat, Our wonderful guide left us stranded there with no hope for a ride home other then a taxi. The taxi ride didn't however not take anymore years off of my life. I did find it kind of funny how Tatiana had no problem jumping in the front seat of the Taxi,because when asked to ride in the front seat with our guide she always refuses.

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