Sunday, December 5, 2010

Waiting around

Their is not much going on around here just waiting,waiting ,waiting. I do want to tell you all a little about medellin. First of all it's almost impossible to believe I have never heard of this place,and that it's not a tourist destination.  The weather here is remarkable. it's mild everyday. They can leave all of the windows open to the outside all of the time. In fact the downstairs of the hotel is wide open to the outside. There are no bugs probably because of the altitude. It rains but only for a little while. Thier is no way for people to drive that are from America because of the utter chaos of the traffic,but the flip side is that taxis are everywhere and they are unbeleivably cheap. Food is a little expensive unless you go to the rural areas which may be dangerous for Americans. The views here are like none I have ever seen everywhere you look is a beautiful mountain. Im not sure of any weather dangers other then maybe mudslides close to the mountains. Anyone that wants a peaceful vacation without having to worry about weather should come to this place.

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